
Name | Beschreibung | Keywords | Zielgruppe | Region | |
AHCP Alphouse Center Austria | AlpHouse Contact Points in the Region of Austria | Building culture Construktion Ecology Energy efficiency Planning Tools Technology transfer | Architects Builders Craftsmen Home Owners Planners Policy Makers | Salzburg | WP-8-4-collected-AHCP-Alphouse-Center-Austria.pdf |
AlpHouse Contact Points AHCP Salzburg | AlpHouse Contact Points in the Region of Salzburg | Building culture Closed loops Construktion Ecology Energy efficiency Governance Indicators Mobility Planning Tools Technology transfer | Architects Builders Citizens Craftsmen Home Owners Planners Policy Makers Politicians | Salzburg | WP-8-4-collected-AHCP-Salzburg.pdf |
Alphouse Contact Points AHCP | Alphouse Contact Point AHCP in Soča Valley | Building culture Closed loops Construktion Energy efficiency | Architects | Soca Valley | AHCP-Soca-Valley.pdf |
Alphouse Contact Points TIS | Energy efficiency | Planners | South Tyrol | WP7-3-Build-up-Clusters-TIS.pdf | |
Assessments of acceptability/suitability of locations for RES | A comprehensive review of potentially suitable areas for the production of energy from RES | Energy efficiency Planning Tools | Citizens Home Owners Planners Policy Makers | Soca Valley | Assessments-of-acceptability-for-RES.pdf |
BUILDING FOR TOMORROW - Capitalisation workshop | AlpBC & CABEE capitalisation workshop in Tolmin, June 2015 |
Building culture Closed loops Construktion Energy efficiency Governance Planning Tools | Architects Citizens Craftsmen Home Owners Planners Policy Makers | Soca Valley | Capitalisation-workshop-BUILDING-FOR-TOMORROW.pdf |
BUILDING FOR TOMORROW Handbook for sustainable construction | Information on sustainable building culture, traditional construction methods, local and sustainable building materials, energy efficient construction and certification of buildings. | Building culture Closed loops Construktion Ecology Energy efficiency | Architects Builders Citizens Craftsmen Home Owners Policy Makers | Soca Valley | Handbook-BUILDING-FOR-TOMORROW.pdf |
CESBA Workshop on 21st of April 2015 | Alpine Success Stories 3d CESBA dayJoin us for exchanching project results on sustainable built environment in the Alpine area. |
Building culture Construktion Ecology Indicators Mobility Planning Tools Technology transfer | Architects Builders Craftsmen Planners Policy Makers Politicians | Salzburg | Invitation-3rd-CESBA-workshop-Salzburg-21-04-2015.pdf |
Cluster "BAUEN FÜR DAS ALTER" | A union of additional qualified planners |
Building culture Mobility Planning Tools Technology transfer | Architects Builders Citizens Craftsmen Home Owners Planners | Salzburg | WP7-3-Bauen-fuer-das-Alter.pdf |
Cluster "BRICK BUILDING FUTURE" | Conditioning buildings with exterior walls of monolithic brick plus activated components, with simple technical measures and low energy use all year round. |
Construktion Ecology Energy efficiency Planning Tools Technology transfer | Architects Builders Craftsmen Home Owners Planners | Salzburg | WP7-3-Ziegel-Bau-Zukunft.pdf |
Cluster "RENOVATION COACH" | Building culture Construktion Energy efficiency Technology transfer | Architects Builders Planners | Vorarlberg | WP7-3-Build-up-Clusters-Knowledge-Base-EIV.pdf | |
Enerbuild | The implementation of the passive house standard into the local building types. | Building culture Construktion Energy efficiency | Architects Builders Craftsmen Home Owners Planners | Soca Valley | Knowledge-Base-SDC-Passive-house.pdf |
Guidelines for Sustainable Construction in the Municipalities of Bovec, Kobarid, Tolmin, Cerkno and Idrija | Integrated approach to sustainable construction with priority use of local materials | Building culture Closed loops Construktion Energy efficiency Governance Planning Tools | Architects Builders Citizens Craftsmen Home Owners Planners Policy Makers | Soca Valley | Guidelines-for-sustainable-construction.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Valtellina EcoEnergy | Description of a voluntary local certification label. | Building culture Closed loops Construktion Ecology Energy efficiency | Architects Builders Citizens Craftsmen Home Owners Policy Makers | Lombardy Region | Knowledge-Base-7-6-ValtellinaEcoEnergy-EN-ERS.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Albosaggia | Ecology Planning Tools | Architects Home Owners Policy Makers Politicians | Lombardy Region | Knowledge-Base-7-2-Albosaggia-EN-ERS.pdf | |
Knowledge Base - AlpEnergy | Description of a project on virtual power systems. | Energy efficiency Planning Tools Technology transfer | Craftsmen Home Owners Policy Makers | Aosta Valley | Knowledge-Base-8-3-AlpEnergy-EN-COA.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Baubook | The baubook is a database which provides ecological product information for building materials helping to support sustainable construction projects ad is easily transferable to other regions and countries. | Construktion Ecology Energy efficiency Indicators Planning Tools | Architects Builders Craftsmen Planners | Vorarlberg | Knowledge-Base-3-3-Baubook-EN-EIV.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Bioenergy Region Achental | Description of the bioenergy region Achental - an example for a regional initiative to foster sustainable use of energy throughout different sectors. | Closed loops Construktion Ecology Energy efficiency Governance Planning Tools Technology transfer | Builders Citizens Craftsmen Planners Policy Makers Politicians | Bavaria | Knowledge-Base-1-1-Bioenergieregion-EN-LUH.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Biopole | Description of GIS based tool to optimize biomass plant locations. | Energy efficiency Indicators Planning Tools | Citizens Planners Policy Makers Politicians | Lombardy Region | Knowledge-Base-7-4-Biopole-EN-ERS.pdf |
Knowledge Base - CEP | Description of an initiative to provide energy skills to local authorities that need help with these topics. | Planning Tools | Planners Politicians | Drôme | Knowledge-Base-5-3-CEP-EN-NEO.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Climat Pratic | Description of a methodology to support planners in managing territorial energy planning. | Governance Indicators Planning Tools | Planners | Drôme | Knowledge-Base-5-4-Climapratic-EN-NEO.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Community Learning | Project Community learning in a local environment - Example of a Study Circle "School of natural building" | Building culture Ecology Energy efficiency | Architects Builders Citizens Craftsmen Home Owners | Soca Valley | Community-learning-School-of-natural-building.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Cool Bricks | Description of a project forwarding the political discussion on national and transnational level about the installation of new cooperation models. | Building culture Closed loops Construktion Ecology Energy efficiency Planning Tools Technology transfer | Architects Builders Craftsmen Home Owners Planners Politicians | Hanover | Knowledge-Base-1-4-Cool-Bricks-EN-LUH.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Covenant of Mayors | Best practice of supporting structure for reaching EU2020 energy goals. | Construktion Energy efficiency Governance Indicators Mobility Planning Tools | Citizens Planners Policy Makers Politicians | Piemonte Region | Knowledge-Base-11-3-Covenant-EN-PIE.pdf |
Knowledge Base - DOReMI | Example for a training-action module striving to stimulate the market for low energy renovation. | Building culture Construktion Energy efficiency Planning Tools | Craftsmen Home Owners Planners Policy Makers | Drôme | Knowledge-Base-5-1-DOREMI-EN-NEO.pdf |
Knowledge Base - EPL | Description of the principles of EPL (local public enterprises) which can be used to help manage and finance project development on a territorial level e.g. concerning urban and renewable energy development. | Governance Planning Tools | Builders Home Owners Planners Politicians | ||
Knowledge Base - Ecomodel Achental | Description of a platform to generate projects for sustainable energy use in combination with regional economics, nature preservation and tourism. | Building culture Closed loops Construktion Ecology Energy efficiency Governance Technology transfer | Builders Craftsmen Home Owners Planners Politicians | Bavaria | Knowledge-Base-1-2-oekomodell-EN-LUH.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Econcalc | Energy efficiency Planning Tools | Architects Builders Policy Makers Politicians | Knowledge-Base-3-1-Econcalc-DE-EIV.pdf | ||
Knowledge Base - Electric cars in Grand Paradis | Knowledge-Base-8-5-Reve-Grand-Paradis-EN-COA.pdf | ||||
Knowledge Base - Energy accounting | Energy efficiency improvement of the public buildings in the municipality of Tolmin. | Construktion Ecology Energy efficiency Indicators Planning Tools | Citizens Home Owners Planners Policy Makers | Soca Valley | Knowledge-Base-SDC-Energy-accounting.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Enerscapes | Description of a project analysing the impact of renewable energy sources on the landscape. | Construktion Energy efficiency Governance Planning Tools | Planners Policy Makers Politicians | Piemonte Region | Knowledge-Base-11-2-Enerscapes-EN-PIE.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Euregional Spatial Analysis | The project described shows how a harmonization of data across borders can be used for joint planning tasks. | Indicators Mobility Planning Tools | Planners Policy Makers Politicians | Salzburg | Knowledge-Base-2-2-EULE-RSA.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Green Matrix | Description of a methodology to analyse the energy efficiency of the building stock. | Energy efficiency Indicators Planning Tools | Architects Planners Policy Makers Politicians | Veneto Region | Knowledge-Base-9-3-Green-Matrix-EN-VEN.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Guideline Energy Use Plan | Portrait of a guideline to develop an energy use plan in Bavaria. | Energy efficiency Indicators Planning Tools | Planners Policy Makers Politicians | Bavaria | Knowledge-Base-1-5-Energy-use-plan-Bavaria-EN-VEN-LUH.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Heatbridge Catalogue | Description of a best practice for a catalogue showing typical heatbridges for window installations which can help during renovation. | Construktion Energy efficiency Planning Tools | Architects Builders Craftsmen | Vorarlberg | Knowledge-Base-3-2-Heatbridge-catalogue-DE-EIV.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Implementation of passive house | Show case of a passive house done within the ENERBUILD project. | Building culture Construktion Energy efficiency | Architects Builders Craftsmen Home Owners Planners | Soca Valley | Knowledge-Base-6-3-Passive-House-EN-SDC.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Moreco | Description of the best practice project Moreco, which led to the development of a household cost calculator for citizens and planners. | Indicators Mobility Planning Tools | Citizens Planners Policy Makers Politicians | Salzburg | Knowledge-Base-2-1-Moreco-RSA.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Municipal Energy Programme Bologna | Knowledge-Base-9-2-Base-EnergyPlanBologna-EN-VEN.pdf | ||||
Knowledge Base - POR FESR | Example on funding for energy audits of public authorities buildings. | Construktion Energy efficiency Indicators | Policy Makers Politicians | Aosta Valley | Knowledge-Base-8-2-POR-EN-COA.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Passive house standard for local building types | Description of a supramunicipal planning tool integrating new issues such as energy planning in regional planning approaches. | Governance Planning Tools | Policy Makers Politicians | Lombardy Region | Knowledge-Base-7-1-PTRASteeringCommittee-EN-ERS.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Planungstool BAU!MASSIV! | New internet platform with over 900 free solid construction details on |
Construktion Energy efficiency Planning Tools Technology transfer | Architects Builders Craftsmen Planners | Salzburg | 4-1-BAU-MASSIV-Planungstool-EN-WKS.pdf |
Knowledge Base - RURENER Roadmap | Description of a project of small communities working together to reduce their carbon footprint. | Energy efficiency Governance Indicators Planning Tools | Architects Citizens Policy Makers | Lombardy Region | Knowledge-Base-7-3-RURENERRoadmap-EN-ERS.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Renerfor | Best practice implementation in Aosta on the promotion of renewable energy sources wood and water. | Closed loops Ecology Energy efficiency Indicators Planning Tools | Planners Policy Makers Politicians | Aosta Valley | Knowledge-Base-8-1-Renerfor-EN-COA.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Reve Grand Paradis | Description of a pilot project on electric mobility. | Ecology Mobility Technology transfer | Citizens Policy Makers Politicians | Aosta Valley | Knowledge-Base-8-5-Reve-Grand-Paradis-EN-COA-2.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Salvambiente | Initiative to adress SMEs to use environmetal friendly technologies in production. | Closed loops Ecology Energy efficiency Technology transfer | Craftsmen | Lombardy Region | Knowledge-Base-7-5-Salvambiente-EN-ERS.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Solar cadastre Morgex | Knowledge-Base-8-4-Solar-cadastre-Morgex-EN-COA.pdf | ||||
Knowledge Base - Sonnenkreis Traunstein | The description of an initiative to create better awareness among all citizens concerning environmental friendly behaviour. | Building culture Closed loops Construktion Ecology Energy efficiency Mobility Planning Tools Technology transfer | Architects Builders Citizens Craftsmen Home Owners Planners Politicians | Bavaria | Knowledge-Base-1-3-Sonnenkreis-EN-LUH.pdf |
Knowledge Base - Sustainable North Isere | Drôme | Knowledge-Base-9-1-GPRA-RhoneAlp-EN-VEN.pdf | |||
Knowledge Base - Österreichische Bauschadensberichte | 4 structural damage reports on |
Construktion Technology transfer | Architects Builders Craftsmen Planners | Salzburg | 4-2-BAUSchadensberichte-EN-WKS-adaptiert.pdf |
MASSIVHAUS - PASSIVHAUS | Lecture on "massive houses - passive houses" at Mai 20th 2015. |
Construktion Ecology Energy efficiency Planning Tools Technology transfer | Architects Builders Craftsmen Planners | Salzburg | 1504-PH-vom-BM-Sbg-DM.pdf |
Open Doors Day of RUTA(R) House | Participative discussion on sustainable construction, Zatolmin, May 2015 |
Building culture Closed loops Construktion Ecology Energy efficiency | Architects Builders Citizens Craftsmen Home Owners | Soca Valley | Open-doors-of-Rutar-House.pdf |
PASSIVE HOUSE TECHNOLOGIE in RENOVATION | Lecture on "renovation with passive house technologie " at June 24th 2015. | Construktion Ecology Energy efficiency Planning Tools Technology transfer | Architects Builders Craftsmen Planners | Salzburg | 1504-SanierungPH-Tech-Sbg-DM.pdf |
Seminar zum "4. Österreichischen Bauschadensbericht" | Lecture on "4th structural damage report" at April 9th 2015. |
Construktion Technology transfer | Architects Builders Craftsmen Planners | Salzburg | Seminar-4-B-S-B.pdf |
Training modules for SMEs | Training modules with the business marketplace of SMEs who offer sustainable building materials and services, Bovec, October 2014 |
Building culture Closed loops Construktion Ecology Energy efficiency | Architects Builders Craftsmen Planners Policy Makers | Soca Valley | Training-modules-for-SMEs.pdf |
mostZAmost | Architectural/urbanistic design workshop | Building culture Closed loops Construktion | Architects Citizens Craftsmen Planners Policy Makers | Soca Valley | mostZAmost.pdf |